take care of it

The Daily Development:

There is no greater project that deserves your time, energy and attention, than working on yourself!  Just like when you get the instructions on the airplane to get your own oxygen first, so you can help those near you if needed, that same principle applies across the other areas of your life. As you grow and reach your own greater potential, you are better able to serve those around you and help them to reach theirs. Putting yourself as a priority is an investment that everyone around you receives the return on.  Making yourself a priority means a shift in your daily to do list. Just as brushing your teeth became a daily habit, doing small things that improve your emotional, spiritual, mental and physical health can become habits too. Throughout discovery of what that looks like for you, you may add or subtract things to your daily schedule. Based on my own wisdom gaining journey, I have developed this "morning ritual" sheet to help me stay on track with the things I find important to do in my day. (I also keep a second list on my fridge that helps me track my sleep, nutrition and spending habits)  Feel free to try the morning ritual, or make one that reflects your steps better, but use a written form to keep you accountable. My areas may look different than yours, and as your knowledge of your self and your goals change, yours will evolve too. Here is my example:

morning ritual

Mastery Reading List:

Reading will naturally open your mind to ideas and possibilities for your life that you just never thought of. It can open your eyes to a new perspective, new ways to approach life, help deepen your faith and add insight to your relationships with others. Reading makes a difference in your world and can do so from any location. It is truly a gift to be able to receive wisdom from others at your own pace and in my opinion, is not something you should pass up! Maybe you don't have more than 10 minutes a day to read, but with that you'd be reading a whole book every couple months. Even if you just started with reading one new book a quarter, those 4 books would have the ability to positively impact how you do life each day. Find a goal that works for you, pick a book you believe you could grow from, and give it a try! Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

Personal Development
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey PhD
Strengthsfinder by Tom Rath
Now, Discover Your Stengths by Buckingham and Clifton
Law of Success by Napolean Hill
Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins
Mastery by George Leonard

Communication and Relationships
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect by John C. Maxwell
The Go-Giver by Burg and Mann
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray PhD
Are You The One For Me by Barbara De Angelis
The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
The Seven Levels of Communication by Michael J. Maher

A Force For Change, How Leadership Differs From Management by John P. Kotter
One Small Step Can Change Your Life by Robert Maurer PhD
Leading Change by John P. Kotter
How People Change by Allen Wheelis
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell
Bringing Out the Best in People by Alan Loy McGinnis

Purpose and Faith
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
The Circle Maker by Batterson
Intentional Living by John C. Maxwell
If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of The Boat by Ortberg

Finance and Creating Wealth
How to Have More Than Enough by Dave Ramsey
The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsay
Money, Master the Game by Tony Robbins
Smart Couples Finish Rich by Dave Bach
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

Health and Fitness
Fit or Fat? by Covert Bailey
Body for Life by Phillips and D'Orso
Unlimited Life by Deepak Chopra, MD
10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse by JJ Smith